
Ginseng Health Pills

Ginseng Health Pills

The "Chipanji Health Pill" originated from the "Chipanji Pharmacy" in the reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty. It is the prescription of Chi Yuechong, a well-known Hakka traditional Chinese doctor. Chi Yuechong once studied under the famous Lingnan doctor Pan Mingxiong in Qing Dynasty. He was talented and talented since he was a child. Medical skills, accumulated years of medical practice experience, developed "Chipanji Health Pills" and other good prescriptions, specializing in the treatment of nocturnal urine, clear and long nocturnal urine, inexhaustible lichen, cold waist, chills, cold limbs, male spermatorrhea, decreased sexual function and other kidneys Qi Deficiency Syndrome and Pediatric Enuresis Syndrome have become famous in the Lingnan area and become the first choice medicine for men, women and children. Listed in the "National Essential Medicines List" (page 37 of the "National Essential Medicines List"), approved by the Ministry of Health: "Enuresis due to insufficient kidney qi, nocturnal emission due to insufficient kidney qi" is the first choice for pure Chinese medicine preparations ("National Hospital Use "List of Basic Chinese Patent Medicines" Pages 15, 16). Obtained the invention patent certificate of "A Chinese Medicine Composition for Treating Deficiency Disease and Its Quality Control Method" issued by the State Intellectual Property Office. In 2005, he won the first prize of the Fifth National Science and Technology Achievement Progress Award and the Fifth National Science and Technology Achievement Progress Award in 2005. The second prize of the Patent Technology Invention Award; In 2009, it was included in the Lingnan Traditional Chinese Medicine Cultural Heritage Protection List; in 2013, "Ginseng Health Pill (Da Mi Pill)" was awarded the design patent of the State Intellectual Property Office; in 2014 and 2017, they were respectively identified as Guangdong Provincial high-tech products; in 2020, it will be recognized as a famous high-tech product in Guangdong Province. Ginseng Sanitary Pills, especially in the old areas of Fujian, Guangdong and Jiangxi, have been widely recognized and praised by users for their curative effects, and the products are sold throughout the country. For more than one hundred years, it has been well-known in Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and Southeast Asia, and has a great influence. It has become a good medicine for overseas Chinese to return home.

【Ingredients】Ginseng, Poria cocos, Roasted Astragalus, Alisma (stir-fried), Fenugreek, Cistanche (made), Gorgon, Codonopsis, Rehmannia glutinosa, Atractylodes macrocephala (made), White peony (made), Shichangpu, Dog's ridge, Basil Jitian (system), Chinese yam, Cynomorium (system), wild jujube seed (stir-fried), cardamom (system), medlar, system multiflorum, Chinese angelica, fruit seed, roasted licorice, epimedium, dodder seed (system), continued Off.

【Properties】This product is a dark brown big honey pill or a small honey pill; the air is fragrant and the taste is slightly sweet.

【Functions and Indications】Invigorate the liver and kidney, replenish qi and blood. It is used for liver and kidney deficiency, loss of qi and blood, weak constitution, enuresis and nocturnal emission, impotence and premature ejaculation.

【Usage and Dosage】Orally, 1 pill at a time for big mi pill, 9 g for a time for small mi pill, once a day.

【Specifications】Big Mi Pills: 9g/pill×10 pill/box. Xiao Mi Pills: 9g×10 bags/box per bag.


【Approval Number】Big Mi Pills: Standard Chinese Medicine Z2002764; Xiao Mi Wan: Standard Chinese Medicine Z0027613

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